Saturday, 21 February 2009

Rezzuraction produces MTV

Pen Merah Pen Biru
Directed by Shahrezza Zuhri

Lynn Malik, who had recently entered a Malaysian talent competition, had done an MTV with Rezzuraction. I witnessed the scenes when they were shooting at a local club, on the 7th of February. Lynn Malik had sought Rezzuraction Pictures to produce her video.

Witness the MTV production in action!

This is a link to Rezza's YouTube account to view trailers of his work:


My focus would be production-wise. To check out about the director and singer, check out the other 2 blogs.

Production-wise, it was tip-top. We're talking about the task-oriented crew of Genggam remember? But there was a timing error. The team was supposed to be packing up at 3.30pm, but it was only done at 3.50pm since there were quite a few repetition of the shooting of the shots. Perhaps, we could have the PA (Production Assistant) to alert us more frequently and keep us going. In that way, we could avoid unnecessary tension and the shoot could end on a sweet note at that scene.

Nevertheless, I thought that Rezza had put in a lot of thought to the look of the video. I liked the shots that he had taken: Lynn's MCU at the corridor and the development shot at the dance floor.

Overall, the working attitude of everybody and the camaraderie was present, and it seems that everybody was enjoying the shoot, despite the stress.

This MTV review was brought to you by the Singapore Malay Film Society (SMFS). Stay connected for the next entry!

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