Sunday, 10 May 2009

Jangan tegur yeah?

Jangan Tegur
by Mohd Pierre Andre

So, I had won 2 passes to the media screening of 'Jangan Tegur' and bugged fellow SMFS Blogger, Sharmee, to scream along (pardon the lame pun, please).

I was frankly quite excited to be viewing first hand the latest Pierre Andre instalment, looking at his promising productions and involvements like 'Jangan Pandang Belakang', 'I'm Not Single', '9 September' and 'Congkak'. Also the media coverage was quite heavy, with Manja/MediaCorp Hafeez Harun, Warna's AB Shaik Banafe, BH's Haryani Ismail. I had raised my hopes real high for 'Jangan Tegur'.

Simple Synopsis

'Jangan Tegur' is about a woman (Julia Ziegler) whom after an accident has visions of another woman (Nadia Mustafa). Then she starts getting scary visions, and disturbances. She goes to investigate and after a devilishly scary possession by a supernatural power, she solves the problem. That's all I can say.

My Opinion

You MUST catch this Pierre Andre instalment. I GUARANTEE it is worth your every cent!

However, my experience watching this film was somewhat marred heavily by the fact that at least 100 girls were screaming inside the theatre at Eng Wah Suntec. Ahmad Idham (Director Advisor) and David Teo (Producer) were in the theatre with all the lucky people who got to view 'Jangan Tegur' one week in advance.

I really like how the plot unfolds at each and every cliffhanger in 'Jangan Tegur'. It has many cliffhangers, but despite that, the story surprisingly flows with a nice swoosh to a fantastic irony and smashing final devil possession and ending.

I must admit that the first few minutes I was a bit confused, but as the story progresses, I began to understand. At some point, I even screamed at the audacity of the character to do something so foolish.

I think this was Nadia Mustafa's big, much-needed break. Her acting was extremely effective and highly realistic. She overshadows Julia Ziegler's expressionless wife character, with her powerful facial expressions and gestures.

Technical-wise, I find not many faults. Except maybe the cinematography could have been tweaked better. Overall, I feel Pierre Andre's DOP was creative, but I found myself cocking my head to preseumably view the events better (to no avail duh).

The other production technicalities, like the lighting especially, created an accurate portrayal of the mood. Pierre Andre really knows how to style or create the look for his films. The locations were accurate in a sense that they had fitted the storyline and the scenes properly, adding a whole new dimension and accuracy to the effect that Pierre wanted on his audience.

MAKE-UP, COSTUMES, DESIGN was the BEST in this production. Everything looks so realistic that if it weren't a film, I would have believed it 100%. However, what struck me most was Julia Ziegler's make-up in the final possession of the devil. It was very frightening and I cannot erase her image from my mind at all, until now, 4 weeks later. It was that effective. Imagine a bluish face and agile body, VFX disgustingly long tongue, raspy voice, eyes that are deep, dangerous and threatening.

You will have to see it for yourself. In the mean time, try to 'Jangan Tegur'! Check out the press release at Julia Ziegler's blog on my Links on the right!

This entry was written by
Singapore Malay Film Society
'Nurturing and Inspiring the Passion for Filmmaking'

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